Synopsis In Dentistry : Orthodontics

1.   Father of orthodontics E .H. Angle
2.   Orthodontics is a term coined by le fouloun (FRANCE)
3.   Orthodontia means orthos correct right, dont tooth, ics science.
4.   Orthodontics is a study of dental and oral development it seeks to detrmine the factore that control growth rocesses to the end that a normal function and anatomical relationshi of these arth may be realized and aims to learn the influence necessary to maintain such condition. (Mc coy, 1931.
5.   Orthodontics can be studied under four heading
a)   Reventive  Orthodontics
b)   Intercetive orthodontics
c)    Corrective Orthodontics
d)   Surgical Orthodontics
6.   Preventive orthodontics is the action taken to preserve the integrity of what appears to be normal at a specific time (e.g: space maintainer).
7.   Interceptive orthodontics is that phase of science and art of orthodontics employed to recognise and eliminate potentail irregularities and malpositions in the developing dentofacial complex (e.g: serial extraction).
8.   Corrective orthodontics recognises the existing malocclusion and the need for employing certain technical procedures to reduce or eliminate the problem and the attendant sequelae (e.g: removable and fixed appliances etc,).
9.   Surgical orthodontiics is combined orthodontic and surgical management of severe skeletal problems of maxillomandibular relationship in an individual, where active growth is completed (e.g: orthognathic surgeries).
10. Aim of orthodontics is given as Jackson s triad
a)   Functional efficiency
b)   Structural balance
c)    Aesthetics harmony

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